- Constitution of the Louisiana Section
- Bylaws of the Louisiana Section
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Louisiana Conference of Student Chapters
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Louisiana State University Student Chapter
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Louisiana Tech Student Chapter
- Constitution and Bylaws of the McNeese State University Student Chapter
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Southern University Student Chapter
- Constitution and Bylaws of the University of New Orleans Student Chapter
- Constitution and Bylaws of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Student Chapter
SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the Louisiana Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 2 . The objective of the Louisiana Section shall be the advancement of the science and profession of engineering, in a manner consistent with the objective of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 3. The headquarters of the Section shall be at the address designated by the Section Board of Directors.
SECTION 1. The membership of this Section shall be restricted to persons who are members of the American Society of Civil Engineers in any grade.
SECTION 2. Should the membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers of any person cease from any cause, he shall at the same time cease to be a member of the Section.
SECTION 1. Any member of the American Society of Civil Engineers may become a member of this Section without payment of entrance fee.
SECTION 2. The annual dues to be payable by each member shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and shall be payable annually in advance.
SECTION 3. Any member whose dues are not paid as provided for in the By‑Laws shall cease to be a voting member of this Section.
SECTION 4. Any member who is exempt from the payment of National dues shall also be exempt from the payment of Section dues.
SECTION 1. The officers of the Section shall be a President, the latest living Past‑President continuing to be a member of the Section, a President‑Elect, a Vice‑President, four elected Directors‑At‑Large, four Appointed Directors (one from each Branch), two Assigned Directors to be appointed by the Branches designated by the Board of Directors and a Secretary‑Treasurer.
SECTION 2. The President,
the President‑Elect, the Vice‑Presidents, the Directors-At-Large, the Assigned
Directors, the Appointed Directors, the latest living Past‑President continuing
to be a member of the Section, and the Secretary‑Treasurer shall constitute the
Board of Directors in which the government of the Section shall be vested.
The President‑Elect, the Vice‑President, the four Directors-At-Large (two elected
each year to two year terms) and the Secretary‑Treasurer shall be elected from the
membership of the Section.
SECTION 3. The terms of office of the officers shall be as follows:
The President One Year
The President‑Elect One Year
The Past‑President As per Section 2 of this article
The Secretary‑Treasurer One Year
Vice‑President One Year
The Directors‑At‑Large Two Years
The Assigned Directors Two Years
The Appointed Directors To serve at the pleasure of the Branches
A term of office shall begin at the close of the annual meeting of the Section and shall continue until a successor qualifies. An Appointed Director shall be appointed by each Branch and shall serve at the pleasure of his respective Branch.
SECTION 4. The President‑Elect shall assume the office of President at the conclusion of his term as President‑Elect.
SECTION 5. A vacancy occurring in an elective office of the Section during the term of an officer shall be filled for the unexpired term as follows:
(a) President. By the President‑Elect, in which case the President‑Elect will serve as President for the following term.
(b) President‑Elect. Should the office of President‑Elect become vacant for any reason except as stated in (a) herein, the vacancy shall be filled by nomination and special election as provided for in the By‑Laws of the Section.
(c) Vice‑President. By appointment of the Board of Directors.
(d) The Directors-At-Large. By appointment of the Board of Directors.
(e) Secretary‑Treasurer. By appointment of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 6. The President and the President‑Elect shall be ineligible for re‑election. The Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President of the Section shall be ineligible for re‑election to the same office until at least one full term shall have elapsed after the end of their respective terms. All Directors may be elected or appointed to the same position without term limitations.
SECTION 7. The President and President-Elect of the Section shall not be from the same Branch.
SECTION 8. An Assigned Director must be appointed by the Branch designated by the Section Board no later than July 31st of the year the Director’s term begins, or the Section Board shall appoint an individual from any Branch to that position. One Assigned Director will be appointed each year to a two-year term. Assigned Directors shall not be the incoming President or President-Elect of the respective Branch.
SECTION 9. In the year the revised Constitution and Bylaws are implemented, and only for that year, the Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President may be re-elected to the same office. After that year, this Section shall be void and shall be deleted from the Constitution.
SECTION 1. General meetings of the Section shall be held at such time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. At these meetings, the business of the Section shall be transacted.
SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time; however, no business shall be transacted therein except as stated in the meeting notice.
SECTION 3. A spring meeting shall be held not later than May 31 of each year at which meeting the election of officers for the ensuing year shall be held.
SECTION 4. An annual meeting of the Section shall be held no later than October 12 of each year.
SECTION 5. Written notice of the meeting shall be mailed, or emailed to each member or posted on the Official Section Website at least five days preceding the date of the meeting.
SECTION 1. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall have the authority to appoint such Standing and Special Committees as are required to further the objectives of the Section.
SECTION 1. The Section may approve and recognize the establishment of Branches within the geographic area of the Section subject to the approval of the Board of Direction of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 2. The objectives of the Branches shall be the advancement of the science and profession of engineering in a manner consistent with the objectives of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 3. The Board of Directors may annually assign from the funds of the Section to each Branch a sum of money varying in proportion to its needs.
SECTION 4. The boundaries of the Branches shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Any Branch, which loses its effectiveness, may be disbanded by the Board of Directors by a rearrangement of the Branch boundaries, subject to the approval of the Board of Direction of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 5. The officers of a Branch shall be a President, President‑Elect, one or more Vice‑Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, which offices may be combined, and as many Directors elected at large as provided for in the By‑Laws of the Branch. These officers, together with the latest living Past‑President continuing to be a member of the Branch shall constitute a Board of Directors in which shall be vested the management of the Branch. The Board shall appoint one of its members to serve as the Appointed Director on the Board of Directors of the Section.
SECTION 6. The Board of Directors of the Branch shall adopt By‑Laws under which the affairs of the Branch shall be governed, within the provisions of the Section.
SECTION 7. A Nominating Committee to propose candidates for offices established by the Branch By‑Laws shall be comprised of at least three Subscribing Members of the Branch as stipulated by the Branch By-Laws. The nominees shall be designated the official nominees. All candidates for office must be members in good standing to be eligible for office.
SECTION 8. The Branch shall hold an annual meeting each year prior to or in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Section. Meetings of the Branch shall be conducted as provided in Robert's Rules of Order.
SECTION 1. This Constitution may be amended only by a vote of the members of the Section by letter ballot, or an electronic ballot, provided such amendment shall have previously received the approval of the Board of Direction of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 2. An affirmative vote of two‑thirds of all ballots cast shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment.
SECTION 1. The Board of Directors from time to time shall adopt By‑Laws under which the affairs of the Section shall be governed within the provisions of this Constitution, subject to the approval of the Board of Direction of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 1. No part of the net earnings of the Section shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of the Section shall be carrying on propaganda, and the Section shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidates for office.
SECTION 2. Upon dissolution of the Section, the assets remaining after the payment of the debts of the Section shall be distributed to such corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as they now exist, or as they may hereafter be amended, as the Board of Directors shall have designated, and in the absence of such designation, they shall be conveyed to the American Society of Civil Engineers.
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SECTION 1. The geographic area of the Louisiana Section shall comprise the State of Louisiana. The membership for this Section shall be domiciled as permanent residents within the boundaries of the Section. The membership shall be restricted, as provided in the Constitution, to members in any grade of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 1. For all meetings, a quorum shall consist of those members in attendance.
SECTION 2. Except as provided in the Constitution and in these By-Laws, meetings shall be conducted as provided in Robert's Rules of Order.
SECTION 1. The members of the Board of Directors shall be members of the Section in good standing, subject to the following eligibility and restrictive requirements for holding of office:
(a) An individual must have served at least one year on the Board of Directors of the Section to be elected President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer or Vice President.
SECTION 2. The Secretary-Treasurer may receive an honorarium as may be determined by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 3. Attendance of General Membership Meetings and Section Board Meetings is the responsibility of each Section Board Member.
SECTION 4. A Board member may be removed from office for poor attendance at Section Board Meetings, for failure to perform the duties assigned to their office or a previously held office, or for other justifiable reasons. If, in the opinion of the Section Board, a member of the Board should be removed from office, the Board shall direct the President (or President-Elect, in the case of removing the President) to advise that member that the Board will vote to remove said member at the next scheduled Board meeting. With an affirmative vote by two thirds of the Section Board, the member shall be removed from the Section Board, and his office declared vacant. Vacancies of the Section Board will be filled according to Article IV, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Louisiana Section.
SECTION 5. A seated Board member that has been elected to another office, but not installed in that office, may be removed from the Board and barred from assuming that office, as described in Section 4.
SECTION 6. A Board member that has been removed from office will not be eligible for nomination to the Section Board for Five (5) years.
SECTION 7. Poor attendance will be considered to be anyone missing two (2) consecutive meetings without providing satisfactory explanation to the Board.
SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Section as provided by the Constitution and these By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall direct the investment and care of the funds of the Section; establish the amount of dues; make appropriations for specific purposes; prepare a budget to limit fund expenditures; take measures to advance the interest of the Section; approve or disapprove committees and activities thereof.
SECTION 2. The Board shall make an annual report to the Section through the President at its annual meeting or through the Louisiana Civil Engineer, the official magazine of the Section. The report shall relate the general activities of the Section for the term closed.
SECTION 3. The President shall call meetings, appoint committees and present their reports to the Section, preside at meetings of the Section and Board of Directors at which he may be present; and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
SECTION 4. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of, or the disability of the President. The President-Elect shall also perform the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.
SECTION 5 . The Vice-President of the Section shall attend meetings of the Section and of the Board of Directors and record proceedings of importance.
SECTION 6. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Section shall deposit funds in the name of the Section. He shall present such records of account to the annual meeting of the Section. He shall keep membership records, committee records, and such other records as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. He shall receive for the Section all bills of debit against the Section and shall promptly pay such items of indebtedness. He shall notify the membership of meetings, handle essential correspondence for the Section, and perform such other duties assigned to him by the Board of Directors. He shall read the required reports and other documents, as designated, to Section assemblies.
SECTION 7. The duties of the Directors-At-Large, Appointed Directors and Assigned Directors shall be as designated by the President of the Section.
SECTION 8. The actions of the Board of Directors shall be authoritative if, and only when, at least five members of the Board are present, which five shall form a quorum of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 9. The Board of Directors shall designate the two largest Branches, based on the number of Subscribing Members, to appoint the Assigned Directors. The Section Board shall evaluate the size of the Branches every six years beginning in 1998, to determine the two largest Branches as specified above. Upon identifying the two largest Branches, the Section shall notify in writing each designated Branch of its responsibility in appointing an Assigned Director, including the date that its first appointment is required.
SECTION 10. Assigned Directors are appointed by the two Branches designated by the Section. The two-year terms will be staggered so that only one Assigned Director will be appointed each year. If a designated Branch loses its designation at the time of the Section evaluation as described in Section 9, the Assigned Director from that Branch will complete his two-year term prior to the new designated Branch appointing a replacement. No Branch shall be designated to appoint two Assigned Directors. If an Assigned Director resigns, the designated Branch shall have two months to appoint a new Assigned Director or the Section shall make an appointment in accordance with the Constitution.
SECTION 1. The election of officers shall be held at the spring meeting.
SECTION 2. Recommendations for nominations for office shall be made by a committee consisting of the President, President-Elect and the latest living Past-President of the Section continuing to be a member of the Section. The President shall charge them with their duty at least one month before the spring meeting. In reaching its recommendations, the Nominating Committee shall consider each nominee's ability to travel to meetings of the Board over the State. The recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Section during its spring meeting. At the same time, the President or presiding officer shall invite nominations from the floor. When nominations have been received and closed, all nominations for each office shall be voted separately. The nominee receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If there are more than two candidates, and if no nominee procures a majority, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the only candidates, and a new vote for the office shall be taken. The candidate then receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected.
SECTION 1. The annual dues for the current year shall become due on October 1 and shall be paid in advance. A statement of the amount due shall be mailed by the Secretary-Treasurer, unless collected by the national office of ASCE to each member within thirty days after the due date.
SECTION 2. Any member whose dues are more than six months in arrears shall lose his voting privilege and shall forfeit the right to serve on Section committees and to receive Section publications. These privileges and rights; however, will be restored upon payment of current dues.
SECTION 1. Committee appointments shall be made promptly on assumption of office by the President.
SECTION 2. The standing committees of the Section shall be:
Committee on Legislation
Public Relations Committee
Younger Member Committee
Nominating Committee
History and Heritage Committee
Publications Committee
Student Awards And Activities Committee
Membership Committee
Special Activities and Awards Committee
SECTION 3. The Committee on Legislation shall consider and review all legislative matters, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. It shall consider and report matters of legislation that concern its membership whether such be Federal, State, Parish or Local, and recommend action or steps, if any, which the Section should follow.
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SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the Acadiana Branch, Louisiana Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 2. The objective of the Acadiana Branch shall be the advancement of the science and profession of engineering, in a manner consistent with the objective of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 1. The area of the Acadiana Branch shall be the Parishes of Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Evangeline, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Rapides, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, Vermilion and Vernon in the State of Louisiana.
SECTION 2. All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, who subscribe to the Bylaws of the Acadiana Branch and who have paid the current dues to the Section and Branch and who are resident in the branch area, shall be Subscribing Members of the Branch. All other members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, whose addresses are within the boundaries of the Branch as defined by the Society, shall be Assigned Members of the Branch.
SECTION 1. The Branch activities shall be financed by an annual allocation of moneys from the Section based on a budget proposed by the Branch and approved by the Section.
SECTION 2. There shall be no entrance fee.
SECTION 3. There shall be no annual Branch dues.
SECTION 1. The officers of this Branch shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who with the latest resident Past-President shall constitute a Board of Directors in which the government of the Branch shall be vested.
SECTION 2. All officers, except for the President, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for terms of one year, which terms shall begin on September 1 of each year.
SECTION 3. The term of office for the President shall be one year. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President on September 1.
SECTION 4. Only subscribing members of the Branch shall be eligible for election to office.
SECTION 5. The duties of officers shall be those usual for such officers.
SECTION 6. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect. A vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by the Vice-President. Other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 7. At meetings of the Board of Directors, three (3) members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members at a regular meeting preceding the Annual Meeting, generally, the March meeting.
SECTION 2. The Nominating Committee shall choose one or more candidates for election to each office, except the office of President, and obtain the consent of each nominee to serve if elected.
SECTION 3. The Nominating Committee shall make their report at the meeting just prior to the Annual Meeting, generally the April meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at this meeting. Ballots shall be distributed and collected by the Nominating Committee. For each office, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected.
SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in May on such date and at such place as the Board of Directors designate. Other meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors; or by the President upon the written request of at least ten subscribing members.
SECTION 2. In addition to the Annual Meeting, monthly meetings shall be held each year, except during June, July and August.
SECTION 3. At all meetings ten (10) subscribing members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 4. Notice of call for a Branch meeting shall be mailed to all subscribing members of the Branch not less than one week in advance of the meeting date.
SECTION 5. All business meetings of the Branch and the Branch Board of Directors shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order , Revised, except as provided in these Bylaws.
SECTION 1. The President each year shall appoint the following committees: program, membership, hospitality, and public information.
SECTION 2. The President shall appoint such committees as are from time to time deemed necessary.
SECTION 1. By-Laws may be adopted or amended only by the following procedure:
(a) The proposed Bylaw or amendment shall be voted upon by a majority of the subscribing members of the Branch.
(b) To become effective it shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the subscribing members voting, and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Section.
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PREAMBLE: | These Bylaws were prepared to serve as a guide for the conducting of routine business of the Branch. All articles are intended to be supplementary to, but in conformance with, the Constitution of the Louisiana Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. |
SECTION 1. | All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, subscribing to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Louisiana Section and evidenced by payment of current Section dues unless exempted by honorary life membership and who are resident in the Branch area, shall be Subscribing Members of the Branch. All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, whose addresses are within the boundaries of the Branch as defined by the Society, shall be Assigned Members of the Branch. Voting rights shall only be vested in Subscribing Members. |
SECTION 1. | The Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of September on such date and at such place as the Board of Directors designates. |
SECTION 2. | A minimum of three (3) other general membership meetings shall be held each calendar year. |
SECTION 3. | Notice of each general membership meeting shall be sent by mail to each Subscribing Member of the Branch at least five days in advance of the meeting date. |
SECTION 4. | Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern at all meetings. |
SECTION 5. | For the Annual Meeting and general membership meetings of the Branch, a quorum shall consist of those Subscribing Members in attendance. |
SECTION 1. | The officers of the Branch shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer. These officers, together with the latest living past President residing within the Branch, an Associate Member Representative, and two Directors shall constitute a Board of Directors in which the management of the Branch shall be vested. |
The following
eligibility and restrictive requirements for the holding of office must be met.
a. All Board members must be Subscribing Members of the Branch. The Associate Member Representative shall be of Associate grade at the time of nomination and election. b. The President must have served at least one year on the Board of Directors of the Branch immediately preceding his election. c. By 75 percent majority consent of the Board, a member may be removed from the Board due to repeated absence from meetings. |
The terms
of office of all officers shall be one year.
a. The election of Board members shall be held at the last planned general membership meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. b. The term of office for all elected officers shall commence at the close of the Annual Meeting. |
SECTION 4. | A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect. A vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by the Vice-President. Other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Board of Directors. |
SECTION 1. | The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Branch as provided by the Constitution of the Section and as designated herein. |
SECTION 2. | The President shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and of the Board of Directors. He shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to perform such duties as he may deem necessary. He shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, chairmen of committees as required. He shall be an ex- officio member of all committees. |
SECTION 3. | The President-Elect shall discharge the duties of the President in his absence. |
SECTION 4. | The Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President-Elect or the Secretary-Treasurer in their absence. |
The Secretary-Treasurer
shall perform the following duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
a. Handle all correspondence as directed by the President and the Board of Directors. b. Deposit all funds and pay all invoices received by the Branch and maintain suitable financial records. c. Record the minutes of all membership and Board meetings and promptly submit a copy of applicable minutes to the Section upon request. d. Assist the Membership Committee Chairman in the maintenance of current membership records, including current mailing lists. e. Cooperate with the Program Committee Chairman in the development of program announcements. f. Notify the membership of meetings. g. Prepare an annual report of Branch finances and activities for submittal to the Section. |
SECTION 1. | Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the time, place, and day designated by the President or by a majority of the members of the Board. |
SECTION 1. | The Nominating Committee shall obtain a qualified candidate for each office and obtain consent of the candidates to serve if elected. These nominees shall be designated the official nominees. |
SECTION 2. | The Nominating Committee shall report its findings to the Secretary-Treasurer in sufficient time that they can be listed in the announcement of the last planned general membership meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. |
SECTION 3. | Preceding the election at the last planned general membership meeting prior to the Annual Meeting, any qualified member may be nominated from the floor for any office by a Subscribing Member, such nominations having the consent of the nominees. Qualification of the members will be verified by the Nominating Committee prior to the election. |
SECTION 4. | In case two or more candidates are presented for any one office, a secret ballot must be taken on such candidates. If on the first ballot, no candidate receives a majority of votes cast, a second vote shall be then taken on the two nominees receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot. The candidate receiving a majority of votes cast in the second ballot shall then be declared elected. |
SECTION 5. | The presiding officer shall appoint three (3) election commissioners from the members present to count the secret ballots. |
SECTION 6. | The office of President shall not be subject to election but succession by the President-Elect. In the event succession by the President-Elect is not possible at the time of election the office of President shall be subject to election. |
SECTION 1. | Each committee will consist minimally of a chairman, vice chairman, and one ex-officio members from the Board of Directors. |
SECTION 2. | All committee members must be Subscribing Members of the Branch. |
SECTION 3. | All programs developed by the committee will be approved by the Board of Directors prior to execution. |
All committees
deemed necessary shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors. The standing committees of the Branch may
be the
Education Committee, Membership Committee, Program Committee, Governmental Affairs
Committee, and the Nominating Committee.
a. The Education Committee will develop programs which will produce strong ties between the Branch and its Student Chapters to integrate the practicing civil engineering community with its educational community. It is recommended that each Student Chapter be represented on the committee by one of the following: A Contact Member or the Faculty Advisor. More specific programs related to education may be executed by an ad hoc committee or subcommittee appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. b. The Membership Committee will maintain membership records and mailing lists in cooperation with the Secretary-Treasurer, develop programs to encourage the retention of current members, develop membership participation in Branch activities, and recruit new members. c. The Program Committee will develop programs for the meetings of the general membership. It shall procure speakers and arrange for their needs during the meetings. d. The Governmental Affairs Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the governmental activities within the area of the Branch and for reporting such activities as deemed proper to the Board of Directors. It shall serve as the vehicle for any action taken in cooperation with the Louisiana Section in the area of Governmental Affairs. e. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the three latest living and resident past Presidents of the Branch. |
SECTION 1. | Subsidiary units within the Branch may be formed to serve the professional or technical needs and interests of members. Included in such subsidiary units are Associate Member Forums and Technical Groups. |
SECTION 2. | Subsidiary units shall be established as approved by the Branch Board of Directors and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. |
SECTION 3. | As a basis for approval of organization, subsidiary units shall present a written request to the Board of Directors indicating proposed organization structure and objectives. Application for approval shall be by petition of at least 15 Subscribing Members of the Branch. |
may be adopted or amended only by the following procedure:
a. The proposed Bylaw or Amendment shall be submitted by mail to the Subscribing Members, along with a notice of a meeting to be called to consider such Bylaw or Amendment, at least 25 days prior to such a meeting. b. It shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Subscribing Members present and voting at the meeting called for such a purpose. c. To become effective, it shall receive the approval of the Board of Directors of the Section and the Board of Directors of the Society. |
SECTION 1. | In the event of disbandment, the remaining assets of the Branch, if any, after liquidation will revert to the treasury of the Louisiana Section. |
SECTION 2. | In the event of disbandment, the records of Branch correspondence and activities shall be placed at the disposal of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Section. |
* * * * * * * *
Adopted May 13, 1969, amended January 23, 1975, amended May 18, 1978, and amended August 15, 1996 by vote of the general membership meeting of each date.
The Environmental Engineering Group of the Baton Rouge Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers, herein referred to as the Group, shall consist of all members of the engineering profession who are either interested, participate, instruct, or consult in the field of environmental engineering.
SECTION 1. Advance the science and practice of that part of civil engineering relating to water supply, wastewater, solid and hazardous waste, draining surface water, and control of soil, water and atmospheric pollution and related social and environmental impacts. Keep well informed in the fields of public and industrial health as they relate to environmental engineering.
SECTION 2. Promote the growth and development of Branch level activities for Branch members to form a core for Group operations to support its goals and activities.
SECTION 3. Work with the national Environmental Engineering Division when it is feasible to promote its programs relating to environmental engineering.
SECTION 4. Develop meetings to present subjects and information of vital interest in environmental engineering and promote discourse within this community to aid in developing direction and in offering education in environmental engineering concepts to participating engineers.
SECTION 5. Collaborate with other engineering organizations within the Section with interest in environmental engineering.
SECTION 6. Promote the growth and development of environmental engineering concepts in the engineering curricula.
SECTION 1. The chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman and other Group officers elected by the Group shall be responsible for the following functions:
(a) Program Development. Soliciting and researching the needs of the engineering profession and the local professional engineering community relative to environmental engineering and developing and executing programs to respond to the needs so identified.
(b) Information Dissemination. Communicate with the Group by providing minutes and notices of meetings and programs through the Section and Branch newsletters and other channels. Correspond with the national Environmental Engineering Division and other groups as required.
(c) Fund Raising. Raise and manage an operating fund as it is necessary for Group operations.
(d) Leadership. Conduct business meetings and organize the Group as required to support special functions and other obligations of the Group.
SECTION 2. Meetings of the Group shall be periodic, at least once per administrative year of the Branch, and in conjunction with a Group sponsored program or a Section or Branch membership meeting.
SECTION 3. These bylaws and any amendment to them shall require the approval of the Board of Directors in advance of their adoption by two-thirds of the Group membership present and voting at a business meeting of the Group.
The New Orleans Branch recognizes that the interaction between geotechnical engineers and other disciplines is of paramount importance to the success of a project. The purpose of Geotechnical Activities Group is to foster the exchange of the professional and technical knowledge and enhance geotechnical engineering practice and the professional interaction between geotechnical engineers and professionals practicing in the other Civil Engineering and Architectural disciplines.
SECTION 1. Meetings. The Group s primary function will be the organization and presentation of technical sessions in the New Orleans area. The Group will attempt to address geotechnical subjects of interest to the entire Civil Engineering and Architectural Community.
SECTION 2. Practice. The Committee may review current events, regulations, policies and proposals set forth by governmental, educational and regulatory bodies, and policies being developed by the National American Society of Civil Engineers, the Louisiana Section and the New Orleans Branch as these affect Geotechnical Engineering practice, in particular, the practice of Civil Engineering, in general. The purpose of such review would be to identify the consensus opinion of practitioners and formally communicate such opinions with appropriate recommendations to the ASCE New Orleans Branch Board of Directors.
SECTION 1. Membership in the Geotechnical Activities Group is open to all members of the American Society of Civil Engineers in the New Orleans area and any individual who has a professional interest in geotechnical engineering.
SECTION 1. Steering Committee. The Geotechnical Activities Group will be administered by a steering committee. The steering committee will organize meetings and provide liaison between the general membership of the Committee and the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors. The number of members on steering committee will be variable and comprised of the following:
(a) Representatives of the private sector of the New Orleans Area, who specialize in geotechnical engineering.
(b) Representatives of Tulane and University of New Orleans, who instruct in geotechnical engineering.
(c) Representatives of the government agencies of the New Orleans Area, who specialize in geotechnical engineering.
SECTION 2. Officers. The steering committee will elect on an annual basis the following:
(a) Chairman. The Chairman will call and direct steering committee meetings, attend New Orleans Branch Board of Directors meetings reporting Group activities and needs to the Board.
(b) Budget Chairman. The budget chairman will prepare the annual budget for the Group. He will also account for Committee expenditures, receipts and assets and provide an annual financial report to the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors.
(c) News Letter Editor. The editor will edit and publish a newsletter informing the Branch membership of the Group s activities. Officers will be selected from voting members of the steering committee.
SECTION 3. Voting Members. Voting members of the steering committee will be one designated member from each New Orleans area geotechnical firm participating in the Group's activities, one member from the University of New Orleans, one member from Tulane University and one member from each governmental agency participating in the Group's activities.
SECTION 1. The Budget Chairman will prepare an annual budget and submit it to the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors at the Board's first meeting in each fiscal year. The steering committee will develop methods of revenue, if necessary, to supplement Branch subsidies.
The Materials Engineering Group of the Baton Rouge Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers, herein referred to as the Group, shall consist of all members of the engineering profession who are either interested, participate, instruct, or consult in the field of materials engineering.
SECTION 1. Establish a means by which the civil engineering profession will be informed of the technology developments in construction materials and provide a forum for the technical advancement of engineers who deal with construction materials.
SECTION 2. Promote the growth and development of Branch level activities for Branch members to form a core for Group operations to support its goals and activities.
SECTION 3. Work with the national Materials Division when it is feasible to promote its programs relating to materials engineering.
SECTION 4. Develop meetings to present subjects and information of vital interest in materials engineering and promote discourse within this community to aid in developing direction and in offering education in materials engineering concepts to participating engineers.
SECTION 5. Collaborate with other engineering organizations within the Section with interest in materials engineering.
SECTION 6. Promote the growth and development of materials engineering concepts in the engineering curricula.
SECTION 1. The chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman and other Group officers elected by the Group shall be responsible for the following functions:
(a) Program Development. Soliciting and researching the needs of the engineering profession and the local professional engineering community relative to materials engineering and developing and executing programs to respond to the needs so identified.
(b) Information Dissemination. Communicate with the Group by providing minutes and notices of meetings and programs through the Section and Branch newsletters and other channels. Correspond with the national Materials Division and other groups as required.
(c) Fund Raising. Raise and manage an operating fund as it is necessary for Group operations.
(d) Leadership. Conduct business meetings and organize the Group as required to support special functions and other obligations of the Group.
SECTION 2. Meetings of the Group shall be periodic, at least once per administrative year of the Branch, and in conjunction with a Group sponsored program or a Section or Branch membership meeting.
SECTION 3. These bylaws and any amendment to them shall require the approval of the Board of Directors in advance of their adoption by two-thirds of the Group membership present and voting at a business meeting of the Group.
The Engineering Management Group of the Baton Rouge Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers, herein referred to as the Group, shall consist of all members of the engineering profession who are either interested, participate, instruct, or consult in the field of engineering management.
SECTION 1. Promote the personal and managerial growth and development of all professional engineers interested in engineering management.
SECTION 2. Promote the growth and development of Branch level activities for Branch members to form a core for Group operations to support its goals and activities.
SECTION 3. Work with the national Engineering Management Division when it is feasible to promote its programs relating to engineering management.
SECTION 4. Develop meetings to present subjects and information of vital interest in engineering management and promote discourse within this community to aid in developing direction and in offering education in management concepts to participating engineers.
SECTION 5. Collaborate with other engineering organizations within the Section with interest in engineering management.
SECTION 6. Promote the growth and development of engineering management concepts in the engineering curricula.
SECTION 1. The chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman and other Group officers elected by the Group shall be responsible for the following functions:
(a) Program Development. Soliciting and researching the needs of the engineering profession and the local professional engineering community relative to engineering management and developing and executing programs to respond to the needs so identified.
(b) Information Dissemination. Communicate with the Group by providing minutes and notices of meetings and programs through the Section and Branch newsletters and other channels. Correspond with the national Engineering Management Division and other groups as required.
(c) Fund Raising. Raise and manage an operating fund as it is necessary for Group operations.
(d) Leadership. Conduct business meetings and organize the Group as required to support special functions and other obligations of the Group.
SECTION 2. Meetings of the Group shall be periodic, at least once per administrative year of the Branch, and in conjunction with a Group sponsored program or a Section or Branch membership meeting.
SECTION 3. These bylaws and any amendment to them shall require the approval of the Board of Directors in advance of their adoption by two-thirds of the Group membership present and voting at a business meeting of the Group.
The Pipeline Group of the Baton Rouge Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers, herein referred to as the Group, shall consist of all members of the engineering profession who are either interested, participate, instruct, or consult in the field of pipeline engineering.
SECTION 1. Advance and correlate the scientific knowledge and engineering practice, and promote and coordinate the socioeconomic and environmental development and construction of engineering projects relative to the transmission of liquids, gases or solids by pipeline.
SECTION 2. Promote the growth and development of Branch level activities for Branch members to form a core for Group operations to support its goals and activities.
SECTION 3. Work with the national Pipeline Division when it is feasible to promote its programs relating to pipeline engineering.
SECTION 4. Develop meetings to present subjects and information of vital interest in pipeline engineering and promote discourse within this community to aid in developing direction and in offering education in pipeline engineering concepts to participating engineers.
SECTION 5. Collaborate with other engineering organizations within the Section with interest in pipeline engineering.
SECTION 6. Promote the growth and development of pipeline engineering concepts in the engineering curricula.
SECTION 1. The chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman and other Group officers elected by the Group shall be responsible for the following functions:
(a) Program Development. Soliciting and researching the needs of the engineering profession and the local professional engineering community relative to pipeline engineering and developing and executing programs to respond to the needs so identified.
(b) Information Dissemination. Communicate with the Group by providing minutes and notices of meetings and programs through the Section and Branch newsletters and other channels. Correspond with the national Pipeline Division and other groups as required.
(c) Fund Raising. Raise and manage an operating fund as it is necessary for Group operations.
(d) Leadership. Conduct business meetings and organize the Group as required to support special functions and other obligations of the Group.
SECTION 2. Meetings of the Group shall be periodic, at least once per administrative year of the Branch, and in conjunction with a Group sponsored program or a Section or Branch membership meeting.
SECTION 3. These bylaws and any amendment to them shall require the approval of the Board of Directors in advance of their adoption by two-thirds of the Group membership present and voting at a business meeting of the Group.
SECTION 1. The purpose of the Structures Committee is to promote interaction and exchange of the ideas between those individuals who are involved with the practice of structures. The purpose of this Committee is to foster the exchange of the professional and technical knowledge and enhance structural engineering practice and the professional interaction between structural engineers, architects, and other related technical disciplines.
SECTION 1. Meetings. The Committee's primary function will be the organization and presentation of technical sessions and programs. The Committee will arrange meetings, seminars and workshops dealing with the analysis, design and construction of structures. Sub-committees shall be formed to deal with specific material such as steel, concrete or timber.
SECTION 2. Practice. The Committee may review Structural Engineering practice related current events, regulations, policies and proposals set forth by governmental, educational and regulatory bodies, and policies being developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers. The purpose of such review would be to identify the consensus opinion of practitioners and formally communicate such opinions with appropriate recommendations to the ASCE New Orleans Branch Board of Directors.
SECTION 1. Membership in the Structures Committee is open to all members of the American Society of Civil Engineers and any individual who has a professional interest in the field of structural engineering.
SECTION 1. Steering Committee. The Structures Committee will be administered by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will organize meetings and provide liaison between the general membership of the Committee and the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors. Steering Committee members shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Steering Committee. The number of members on the Steering Committee will be variable and comprised of representatives of the private sector, representatives of Tulane and University of New Orleans, and representatives of the government agencies of the New Orleans Area
SECTION 2. Officers. The steering committee will elect on the annual basis the following officers who will be elected from voting members of the Steering Committee:
(a) Chairman . The Chairman will call and direct steering committee meetings, attend New Orleans Branch Board of Directors meetings reporting activities and needs to the Board. The Structural Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the New Orleans Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
(b) Vice Chairman/Budget Chairman The budget chairman will prepare the annual budget for the Committee. He will also account for Committee expenditures, receipts and assets. Also he will provide an annual financial report to the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors.
(c) News Letter Editor. The editor will edit and publish a newsletter informing the Branch membership of the Committee's Activities.
SECTION 3. Voting Members. Voting members of the steering committee will be the Members only and no Corresponding Member will be eligible to vote. One designated member from each New Orleans area structural firms or contractors participating in the Committee's activities, one member from the University of New Orleans, one member from the Tulane University and one member from each governmental agencies participating in the Committee's activities.
SECTION 4. Corresponding Members. A Corresponding Member shall be an individual whose professional qualifications shall exhibit an exceptional level of structural expertise, but whose geographic location of career responsibilities precludes him from regular participation in Steering Committee activities. Corresponding Member shall be appointed by the Steering Committee.
SECTION 5. General Membership. All members who are not on Steering Committee and are not Corresponding Members, shall be General Members of the Structural Committee.
SECTION 6. Term. Steering Committee Members and Corresponding Members shall serve for a period of two years.
SECTION 1. The Budget Chairman will prepare an annual budget and submit it to the New Orleans Branch Board of Directors at the Board's first meeting in each fiscal year. The steering committee will develop methods of revenue, if necessary, to supplement Branch subsidies.
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These by-laws were prepared to serve as a guide for conducting routine business of the New Orleans Branch. All articles are intended to be supplementary to, but in conformance with, the Constitution of the Louisiana Section - American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 1. All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, subscribing to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Louisiana Section as evidence by payment of current Section dues unless exempted by Honorary or Life Membership and who are resident in the Branch Area, shall be Subscribing Members of the Branch. All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, whose addresses are within the boundaries of the Branch as defined by the Society and are not Subscribing Members as defined above, shall be Assigned Members of the Branch. The General Membership is comprised of all Subscribing and Assigned Members.
SECTION 1. There shall be a President who shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and of the Board of Directors. The President shall also represent the Branch on the Louisiana Section Board by attending all regularly scheduled Section Board Meetings.
SECTION 2. The President-Elect shall discharge the duties of the President in his absence.
SECTION 3. There shall be a Vice President.
SECTION 4. There shall be a Treasurer who shall collect and deposit all dues, monies, and funds of the Branch in a financial institution approved by the Board of Directors, and shall disburse Branch funds as authorized by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 5. There shall be a Secretary who shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, shall keep a record of all general membership, Technical and Nontechnical meetings, and shall issue notices for all general membership meetings and shall conduct the correspondence of the Branch as directed by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
SECTION 6. There shall be three Directors, one of whom shall be the immediate living Past President. The other two shall be elected at large. If the immediate Past President is unable or does not wish to be a Director, all three Directors will be elected at large.
SECTION 7. For purpose of succession, the following is the rank of the officers: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Directors.
SECTION 1. Attendance at General Membership Meetings and Branch Board Meetings is the responsibility of each Branch Officer.
SECTION 2. An officer may be removed from office for poor attendance at Branch Board Meetings, failure to perform the duties assigned to that office or other justifiable reasons. If in the opinion of the Branch Board, an Officer should be removed, the Board shall direct the President to advise that Officer that the Board will vote to remove said Officer at the next scheduled Board Meeting. With an affirmative vote by a majority of the Branch Board, excluding the Officer in question, the Officer shall be removed from Office. With Board approval the President may appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the dismissed Officer's term or leave the position vacant. If the position is left vacant, the President shall assign the responsibilities of the vacant position to the remaining Branch Officers.
SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held annually during the month of September on a date and at a place designated by the Board of Directors during their term in office. One General Membership meeting for the election of officers (hereinafter called the Election Meeting) shall be held in May of each year. A minimum of two (2) other general membership meetings shall be held each calendar year.
SECTION 2. Notice of each general membership meeting shall be sent by mail to each Subscribing and Assigned Member of the Branch.
SECTION 3. "Roberts Rules of Order" shall govern at all general membership meetings.
SECTION 4. The President of the Branch shall preside at all general membership meetings which he attends. In the absence of the President, the next ranking officer shall preside at the meeting.
SECTION 1. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held regularly at the time, place and day designated by the President. At the discretion of the President, the general membership may be notified of the time, place, and day designated.
SECTION 2. Branch Board Meetings shall be held at least every two (2) months. A minimum of six (6) Board Meetings shall be held each year.
SECTION 3. The President shall preside at all Branch Board Meetings which he/she attends. In the absence of the President, the next ranking Officer shall preside at the Board Meeting.
SECTION 4. "Roberts Rules of Order" shall govern at all Branch Board Meetings.
SECTION 5. Under special circumstances, when an issue is deemed by the President to be urgent to Branch activities, and a Board Meeting can not be scheduled, the President may poll the Branch Board Members by telephone, mail or other means deemed appropriate by the President. If a simple majority of the Board Members cast an affirmative vote for the motion proposed by the President, the motion shall be considered adopted. The President shall introduce the motion at the next scheduled Board Meeting for ratification by the Board and entry into the minutes of the Branch.
SECTION 1. A Nominating Committee to propose candidates for the offices established by the Branch By-Laws shall consist of the three latest living Past Presidents of the Branch who reside in the Branch. The candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be designated the official nominees.
The Nominating Committee must obtain the consent of each candidate to serve if elected. All candidates for office must be members in good standing to be eligible for office.
SECTION 2. A candidate for the office of President-Elect must have served at least one year on the Branch Board of Directors immediately preceding the election. Once elected President-Elect, an individual will automatically become President of the Branch the following year unless that individual can not or decides not to serve as President. If the President-Elect does not serve as President, the position of President will be filled by election. In this case, only those Members presently serving on the Branch Board of Directors are eligible for the position of President.
SECTION 3. The immediate Past President of the Branch is automatically a Director at Large of the Branch Board of Directors. This position is not elected, unless the Past President can not or decides not to serve. Should the Past-President decide not to serve as a Director, the position will be filled by election.
SECTION 4. The President, President-Elect and Vice President are not eligible for re-election to the same office in which they are presently serving.
SECTION 5. Election of Board Members for the year beginning October 1 shall be held at a General Membership Meeting held in May of that year.
SECTION 6. The Secretary shall notify the Membership in writing of the Official Nominees as selected by the Nominating Committee and the date, time and location of the Election Meeting two (2) weeks prior to the Election Meeting.
SECTION 7. After the receipt of the Official Nominees, a Subscribing Member may nominate any qualified Member to oppose one of the Official Nominees for any elected office by either writing or telephoning the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, or by making the nomination from the floor at the Election Meeting. The Subscribing Member shall obtain the consent of the individual being nominated prior to making the nomination.
SECTION 8. If opposing nominations are received, the Chairman shall contact each opposing nominee to verify that the individual is willing to serve in the position for which he/she is being nominated. The Nominating Committee shall then meet to determine whether the opposing nominees fulfill the requirements for being a nominee.
SECTION 9. At the Election Meeting, If no valid opposing nominations are received for a given elected position, the Chairman of the Nomination Committee shall read the name of the Official Nominee for that elected position and declare the nominee elected by virtue of no opposition. If, however, a valid opposing nomination has been made for a given elected position, the Chairman shall read the name of the Official Nominee, stating that he/she is the Official Nominee, followed by the name of each opposing nominee. When an opposing nominee exists, the election of that position shall be by secret ballot.
SECTION 10. The Nominating Committee shall act as election commissioners and shall conduct the election at the Election Meeting.
SECTION 1. Technical Committees are defined as those committees that are dedicated to the purpose of providing technical conferences or programs to the Membership of the Branch in a particular discipline of Civil Engineering (i.e. Structures, Geotechnical, Environmental, Transportation, etc.) in order to improve the technical competence of the Engineering community. The Technical Committee shall provide leadership to the Engineering community in its particular discipline of Civil Engineering.
SECTION 2. A Technical Committee shall be governed by a Steering Committee comprised of no less than three (3) people.
SECTION 3. The Steering Committee of each Technical Committee shall develop and adopt bylaws to direct the business of the Committee. The bylaws shall be submitted to the Branch Board of Directors for approval. Upon approval of the bylaws by the Branch Board of Directors, the bylaws are considered officially adopted.
SECTION 4. The Technical Committee Steering Committee shall select a candidate for Chairman of the Committee and shall recommend the individual to the President of the Branch for approval by the Branch Board of Directors. If the President agrees with the selection, the President shall ask the Branch Board to approve the individual as Chairman of that Technical Committee for the President's term in office. If the individual recommended to be Chairman of the Technical Committee is either unacceptable to the President or Branch Board, the Steering Committee shall select a new candidate for recommendation to the President.
SECTION 5. The Chairman of each Technical Committee shall attend Branch Board Meetings to report the activities of the committee. If the Chairman can not attend a Board Meeting, the Chairman shall either send another Steering Committee Member to represent the Technical Committee or provide a written report to President of the Branch prior to the Board Meeting.
SECTION 6. The Chairman of each Technical Committee shall inform the President of all Steering Committee Meetings. The President or his appointee may attend any Steering Committee Meetings as the President deems necessary.
SECTION 7. The Chairman of each Technical Committee shall inform the Branch Secretary and any other officer designated by the President of all Technical Committee Conferences and Activities.
SECTION 8. Technical Committees may collect dues, charge admission for technical programs or use other means to raise money to support the activities of the Technical Committee. All monies collected by a Technical Committee shall be used as directed by the Steering Committee of that Technical Committee for the activities of that Committee, unless the Branch Board of Directors intercedes.
SECTION 9. All monies collected by a Technical Committee are designated for use by that Technical Committee. However, the monies are considered assets of the Branch, and therefore, the Branch Board may decide to use these assets for other Branch activities should the need arise.
SECTION 10. With approval from the Branch Board of Directors, a Technical Committee may establish a bank account separate from the official Branch account. If a Technical Committee decides to establish a separate bank account, the Technical Committee shall provide the Branch Treasurer with a written financial statement showing the sources of all income and all expenditures. This financial statement shall be provided at least once every three (3) months, with one statement, showing the full accounting of the Committee for the previous Branch Year (October 1st to September 30th), being provided by October 14th of each year.
SECTION 11. The Branch Board of Directors may direct a Technical Committee, which has established a separate bank account, to close the separate bank account. Upon such notification, the Technical Committee shall close the account and return the monies to the Branch Treasurer for deposit in the official Branch account.
SECTION 1. The President shall determine which Nontechnical Committees are necessary during his/her term as President and shall appoint a Chairman, who shall be confirmed by the Branch Board, to direct each activities of the Nontechnical Committee.
SECTION 2. The Chairman of each Nontechnical Committee shall be responsible for recruiting the other members of his committee. However, the Chairman may request the assistance of the Branch Board in identifying potential candidates for membership on the Committee.
SECTION 3. The Chairman of each Nontechnical Committee shall attend Branch Board Meetings to report the activities of the committee. If the Chairman can not attend a Board Meeting, the Chairman shall either send another Member of the Nontechnical Committee to represent the Committee or provide a written report to the President of the Branch prior to the Board Meeting.
SECTION 4. The Chairman of each Nontechnical Committee shall inform the President of all Committee Meetings. The President or his appointee may attend any Committee Meetings as the President deems necessary.
SECTION 5. The Chairman of each Nontechnical Committee shall inform the Secretary and any other officer designated by the President of all Committee Activities.
SECTION 6. If the President determines that the Chairman of a Nontechnical Committee is not performing his/her duties satisfactorily, the President may replace the Chairman. The new Chairman shall be approved by a majority vote of the Branch Board.
SECTION 7. Nontechnical Committees shall be encouraged to develop outside funding for their activities. However, a Nontechnical Committee may receive financial support from the Branch for an activity provided that the Committee satisfies the following provisions:
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In absence of a formal record of the chartering By‑Laws for the Shreveport Branch of the Louisiana Section of the American Society of Engineers; these By‑Laws are hereby made to reaffirm the basis of the Shreveport Branch. These By‑Laws shall supersede any previous By‑Laws, if any, and take effect this date, October 25, 1989, if ratified by the members present.
SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be the Shreveport Branch, Louisiana Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 2. The objective of the Shreveport Branch shall be the advancement of the science and profession of civil engineering through education, in a manner consistent with the objective of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
SECTION 1. The area of the Shreveport Branch shall be the twenty‑four (24) Parishes of Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Catahoula, Claiborne, DeSoto, East Carroll, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Red River, Richland, Sabine, Union, Webster, West Carroll and Winn in the State of Louisiana.
SECTION 2. All members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, who subscribe to the Bylaws of the Shreveport Branch and who have paid the current dues to the Section and who are resident in the branch area, shall be Subscribing Members of the Branch. All other members of the American Society of Civil Engineers of all grades, whose addresses are within the boundaries of the Branch as defined by the Society, shall be Assigned Members of the Branch.
SECTION 1. The Branch activities shall be financed by an annual allocation of monies from the Section based on a budget proposed by the Branch. These monies may be supplemented as necessary by Branch activities.
SECTION 2. There shall be no entrance fee.
SECTION 3. There shall be no annual Branch dues.
SECTION 1. The officers of this Branch shall be a President, a President‑Elect, a Vice‑President, a Secretary‑Treasurer, who with the latest resident Past‑President shall constitute a Board of Directors in which the government of the Branch shall be vested.
SECTION 2. All officers, except for the President, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for terms of one year, which terms shall begin on June 1 of each year.
SECTION 3. The term of office for the President shall be one year. The President‑Elect shall succeed to the office of President on June 1.
SECTION 4. Only subscribing members of the Branch shall be eligible for election to office.
SECTION 5. The duties of officers shall be those usual for such officers.
SECTION 6. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President‑Elect. A vacancy in the office of President‑Elect shall be filled by the Vice‑President. Other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 7. At meetings of the Board of Directors, three (3) members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 1. A Nominating Committee composed of all past Branch Presidents that are currently subscribing members will nominate candidates for office. The latest past President will Chair the committee.
SECTION 2. The Nominating Committee shall choose one or more candidates for election to each office, except the office of President, and obtain the consent of each nominee to serve if elected.
SECTION 3. The Nominating Committee shall make their report at the March meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at this meeting.
SECTION 4. The Secretary‑Treasurer will list the nominees in the announcement of the April general membership meeting.
SECTION 5. In case two (2) or more candidates are presented for any one office, a secret ballot must be taken on such candidates. These ballots will be sent with the announcement of the April general membership meeting. All ballots must be returned in an unsigned blank envelope. The blank envelope will be enclosed in a regular addressed envelope with the voters name and return address. Ballots must be received postmarked no later than one (1) week prior to the April general membership meeting. The Secretary‑Treasurer will forward all the unopened blank envelopes with ballot to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
SECTION 6. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee will appoint three (3) election commissioners from the members present to count the secret ballots. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee will announce the new officers at the April general membership meeting.
SECTION 7. If on the first ballot, no candidate receives a majority of votes cast, a second vote shall be taken at the April general membership meeting. This vote will be of the two (2) nominees, for one office, receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot. The candidates receiving a majority of votes cast shall then be declared elected.
SECTION 8. Installation of officers will be at the annual May meeting.
SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in May on such date and at such place as the Board of Directors designate. Other meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors; or by the President upon the written request of at least ten subscribing members.
SECTION 2. In addition to the Annual Meeting, monthly meetings shall be held each year, except during June, July and August. The regular meeting will be a noon luncheon on the third Thursday of the month.
SECTION 3. At all meetings ten (10) subscribing members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 4. Notice of call for a Branch meeting shall be mailed to all subscribing members of the Branch not less than one week in advance of the meeting date.
SECTION 5. All business meetings of the Branch and the Branch Board of Directors shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order , Revised, except as provided in these Bylaws.
SECTION 1. The President shall appoint such special committees as are from time to time deemed necessary.
SECTION 2. The Nominating Committee shall be a regular standing committee.
SECTION 3. The President will be an ex‑officio member of all committees.
SECTION 1. Bylaws may be adopted or amended only by the following procedure:
(a) The proposed Bylaw or amendment shall be voted upon by a majority of the subscribing members of the Branch.
(b) To become effective it shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the subscribing members voting, and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Section.
SECTION 1. No part of the net earnings of the Branch shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual and no substantial part of the activities of the Branch shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the Branch shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), and political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
SECTION 2. Upon dissolution of the Branch the assets remaining after the payment of the debts of the Branch shall be distributed to such corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, as the Board of Directors shall have designated and in the absence of such designation they shall be conveyed to the American Society of Civil Engineers.
These By‑Laws were adopted by the General Membership of the Shreveport Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers on October 25, 1989.
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The name of this organization shall be the Deep South Regional Conference of Student Chapters and Clubs of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
One purpose of this conference shall be to foster desirable relations among the students, chapters and clubs within the regional conference. Another goal is to further the technical, professional, and ethical knowledge of these students as it relates to the civil engineering profession
SECTION 1. Qualifications. Student chapters and clubs in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee are eligible for membership. Further, any chapter or club in a state adjacent to these states, and as designated and approved by the ASCE Committee on Student Activities (CSA), is eligible for membership. Only chapters and clubs that are in good standing with ASCE as defined by CSA may be members of the conference.
SECTION 2. Existing Membership. A chapter or club formalizes its membership in the conference by submitting the annual conference registration fee (Article V) to the Secretary-Treasurer of the conference at least two (2) weeks before the annual conference. This registration fee shall validate their membership until the due date of the following year’s annual conference.
SECTION 3. Admittance of New Members. An eligible chapter or club may become a member of the conference by submitting the annual conference registration fee (Article V) to the Secretary-Treasurer of the conference at least two (2) weeks before the annual conference. This registration fee shall validate their membership until the due date of the following year’s annual conference.
Section 4. Modifying Host Rotational System. New chapters and clubs of the conference will be entered in the Host Rotational System (Article VII) as the last chapter eligible for hosting the conference following the host chapter or club for the meeting at which they are admitted to the conference.
ARTICLE IV. Conference Representatives and Duties
Section 1. Representation. Each member chapter or club shall be entitled to send three (3) official Delegates to the annual conference. All student members, faculty advisors, and practitioner advisors of the conference’s chapters and clubs may attend the conference, but only official Delegates shall be permitted to vote and conduct the business of the Deep South Conference. The conference officers shall not serve as official Delegates for their chapter or club. Chapter and club faculty advisors shall be Ex-Officio Delegates to the annual conference.
Section 2. Voting. Each official Delegate is allowed one vote on each voting issue. A chapter or club shall have only as many official votes as they have official Delegates present during the meeting. An Ex-Officio Delegate has no vote, and can not substitute for an official Delegate.
Section 3. Duties. During the annual conference business meeting, the official Delegates shall conduct the following business:
a. Determination of the host chapter for the following year’s meeting.
b. Discuss registration fee for the following Conference.
c. Matters as required by ASCE-CSA
d. Other matters not specifically listed.
ARTICLE V. Annual Meeting
Section 1. Meeting Date. An annual conference meeting shall be held in the spring. During the early fall prior to the annual conference meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer shall propose to the current conference membership a date for the meeting that is deemed generally acceptable to all members. The exact date shall be determined by the Secretary-Treasurer of the conference upon giving members a reasonable time to comment.
Section 2. Required Meeting Activities. During the annual conference meeting, a business meeting shall be held of the Delegates for the purpose of addressing conference management and business responsibilities as outlined in Article IV. Further, any pre-organized activities as defined by CSA as constituting an official meeting of the regional conference shall be held.
Section 3 . Additional Meeting Activities. During the annual conference meeting, additional pre-organized activities may be held at the discretion of the host chapter and the conference officers. The following activities are routinely organized as part of the Deep South Regional Conference of Student Chapters and Clubs of the ASCE and the conference members anticipate these events will continue to be part of all annual meetings:
a. Concrete Canoe Competition
b. Steel Bridge Competition
c. Mead Paper Competition
d. Surveying Competition
e. Environmental Competition
f. Awards Banquet
g. Lunches During Competitions
With the consensus approval of the conference members at least four months prior to the annual conference meeting, pre-organized activities other than those listed above may be organized and included in meeting activities. The following are examples of activities held at meetings of this or other regional conferences during the recent years:
a. Mystery Competition
b. Geotechnical Competition
c. Concrete Bowling Ball Competition
d. Balsa Structure Competition
e. Concrete Strength Competition
f. Opening Conference Ice-Breakers
g. Field Trips to Projects of Civil Engineering Interest
Section 4. Host Responsibilities. The chapter or club acting as host for the annual conference shall be in full charge over conference details, following the guidance of the conference Delegates and as set forth by the constitution and by-laws. Conference activities not required by the conference Delegates or as set forth in the constitution and by-laws shall be at the discretion of the conference officers and the host chapter. To this end, the host chapter shall be responsible for developing, reproducing, and distributing conference correspondence, literature, programs, and souvenirs (e.g., T-shirts) as they deem appropriate. The host chapter shall arrange for judges, speakers, field trips, entertainment, meeting places, meals and lodging as they deem required for a successful annual conference meeting.
Cives Steel has donated 200 pieces of angle iron and six pieces of W-19-4 grating to the Deep South Regional Conference for use in the steel bridge competition. The host chapter shall make this material available to the following year’s host chapter for use in their competition.
Section 5. Host Participation. The host school may participate in any and all competitions, but can only place in nationally-sponsored competitions such as the Steel Bridge Competition, the Concrete Canoe Competition, and the Daniel Mead Paper Competition.
Section 6. Conference Fees. The conference registration fee for membership in the Deep South Regional Conference is One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) per year. Registration fees for participants of the conference activities shall be set by the host chapter or club. However, it is anticipated that the host will keep registration fees as low as possible to encourage attendance of the conference and its activities. The host is authorized to request in advance of the annual conference meeting any fees from members planning to attend the conference.
Section 1. Officers. The officers of this conference shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Conference, and shall be empowered to administer the affairs of organizing and holding the annual conference meeting.
Section 2. Selection. The officers shall be selected by the host chapter and contact information for each provided to the conference membership at least six months before the annual conference meeting. They shall hold office until the end of the academic year in which the annual conference meeting for which they were responsible was held.
Section 3. Chairman. The president shall be elected from the school that will host the next annual conference and shall preside at the business meetings of the annual conference. The President is responsible for organizing fund raising and sponsor identification activities.
Section 4. Vice Chairman. The Vice President shall be elected from the school that will host the next Annual Conference. The Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President in his absence or as delegated by the President. The Vice President shall make the necessary revisions in the constitution and by-laws as approved during the Conference business meeting.
Section 5. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected from the school hosting the annual conference meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the minutes of the conference business meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer shall complete a summary report of the proceedings of the conference and submit a copy, including meeting minutes and a financial statement, to all members and to CSA within one month of the last day of the conference. The Secretary-Treasurer will be given the authority to appoint a person of his choice to assist him and carry the title of Treasurer, with approval of the President.
Section 6. Vacancies. If an officer fails to maintain full-time student status at the host school for any reason, the student chapter of which they are a member shall elect a replacement. Such changes shall be announced to the conference members as soon as practical.
ARTICLE VII. Location of the Annual Conference Meeting
Section 1. The Annual Conference shall be held on a rotational basis. The Host Rotational System is as follows:
School Year
a. Louisiana Tech 2007
b. Louisiana State University 2008
c. Arkansas State University 2009
d. University of New Orleans 2010
e. Mississippi State University 2011
f. Southern University 2012
g. Tulane University 2013
h. University of Tennessee – Martin 2014
i. Christian Brothers University 2015
j. University of Mississippi 2016
k. McNeese State University 2017
l. University of Louisiana at Lafayette 2018
m. University of Memphis 2019
Section 2. In order to be eligible to host the conference meeting, the host chapter must meet the following requirements:
a. Be a member of the Deep South Conference in accordance with Article III.
b. Be willing to accept the responsibilities of hosting the annual conference meeting.
c. Be scheduled to host the conference meeting according to the above host rotational system.
d. Be represented by a delegation at the conference business meeting preceding the conference meeting they will host.
Section 3. In the event that the above requirements are not met, the remaining chapters will be eligible to accept the conference as dictated by the Host Rotational System. A chapter or club hosting an annual conference meeting early does not change the order of the Host Rotational System. However, if a chapter or club hosts the annual conference meeting in advance of the year they are scheduled to host, they will not host conference in their scheduled year.
Section 4. If a chapter or club is eligible to host the conference under Section 2, but elects to forego the responsibility for the year they should be responsible for hosting the conference due to stated extenuating circumstances, they may petition the conference members to host the annual conference meeting during the following year. No more than a one-year delay will be considered. Delaying the year a chapter or club hosts the annual conference meeting does not affect the Host Rotational System.
Section. 1 Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws shall be proposed by any member chapter or club attending the conference business meeting.
Section 2. Proposed amendments must be ratified by a two-thirds affirmative vote. At least two-thirds of the member chapters and clubs must be represented in this vote for it to be valid.
ARTICLE IX – Authority on Procedure
Section 1. “Roberts Rules of Order, Revised” shall be the authority
on all points not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
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The name of this organization shall be "The Louisiana State University Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers".
The objective of this organization shall be:
1. To bring the Civil Engineering students in contact with each other and with the faculty.
2. To familiarize the students, through discussion, with major engineering projects.
3. To encourage the development of a professional consciousness and ethics.
SECTION 1. Eligibility to membership.
Any student enrolled in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering may become an active member.
SECTION 2. Active members.
Any member in good standing duly enrolled in the University shall constitute an active member.
SECTION 3. Power to vote.
The power to vote on all questions to be settled by this chapter shall be extended to active members only.
SECTION 4. To resume active membership.
Any past active member, in good standing and enrolled in the University, who shall wish to resume active membership, will be allowed to do so upon payment of his dues for the current semester.
SECTION 5. Equal Opportunity.
No student who meets the other criteria for membership as listed in this constitution may be denied membership on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age handicap, marital status, or veteran's status.
SECTION 1. Personnel.
The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publications Chairman.
SECTION 2. Duties and powers.
The duties and powers of all officers shall be such as usually pertain to their respective offices, together with such duties as may from time to time be prescribed for in the By-laws.
SECTION 3. Eligibility to office.
The candidates for President, Vice-President, and Publications Chairman must be seniors or juniors in good standing. Candidates for the other offices must be in good standing and may be selected from the senior, junior, or sophomore class.
SECTION 1. Time of Election.
An annual election of officers shall be held at the final meeting of the year.
(a) Notice of election shall be included in the announcement of this meeting.
(b) Officers shall be elected individually in order of their rank from the nominations of the active members.
SECTION 2. Duties and powers.
The officers shall be elected from the nominees selected by the active members through a ballot to be held within two weeks prior to the next to the last meeting of the year, the time to be designated by the President.
(a) The four persons receiving the highest number of nominations for each of the positions shall contend for that position.
(b) Any member shall be able to contend for an unlimited number of positions until elected.
(c) A nominee may decline a nomination at his discretion.
SECTION 3. Special Elections.
No special election shall be held in case of vacancy. The officer of next lowest rank will hold his and the vacated office.
SECTION 4. Installation of Officers.
Installation of officers shall be held during the final meeting of the year.
SECTION 1. Occurrence of meetings.
Regular meetings of this organization shall be held at intervals of time as designated in the By-Laws, and special meetings shall be held whenever the President deems it necessary.
SECTION 2. Time and place of meetings.
The meetings shall be held at the time and place chosen by the President.
SECTION 3. Quorum.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of active members shall constitute a quorum for settlement of questions which shall come before the chapter.
SECTION 1. Regular dues.
Dues shall be paid by all active members as provided in the By-Laws.
SECTION 2. Special assessments.
Special assessments shall be levied only by a majority vote of the active members present and voting.
This constitution may be amended by a two-third (2/3) vote of all active members present and voting.
The procedures of this organization shall be according to the By-Laws in all things not provided for in this constitution.
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure in the conduct of all meetings of this organization.
Officers shall be students with at least one full academic semester left before graduation and shall serve for one semester.
SECTION 1. The duties of the officers of this organization shall be those outlines in Robert's Rules of Order.
SECTION 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as are incumbent on such an office. The President shall serve for one year.
SECTION 3. The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the latter is in any way unable to discharge the duties of his office.
SECTION 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Chapter and shall, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, attend to all notification of meetings. He shall also keep a roll of all members of the Chapter.
SECTION 5. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and disburse all funds of the organization and shall be required to submit in writing at each regular meeting a financial statement.
SECTION 6 . The Publication Chairman shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual report of the Chapter to the ASCE and publishing of the student newsletter.
At each meeting of the organization the order of business shall be as follows:
1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
2. Reports of officers.
3. Reports of special committees.
4. Miscellaneous business.
5. Educational and social phase of meeting.
6. Adjournment.
Special assessments may be levied on active members of this organization when funds are lacking to finance certain activities which the chapter shall choose to promote.
Special committees may be appointed by the President, at any time to take care of any duty or contingency which may arise.
Regular meetings shall be held at least once each month.
The dues shall be five dollars ($5.00) per semester.
Amendments to these By-Laws may be made by a vote of the majority of the active members of this organization at any regular meeting.
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The name of the Chapter shall be the Louisiana Tech Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The objective of this Chapter shall be to encourage the development of a professional consciousness, to afford an opportunity for civil engineering students to become acquainted and to practice working together effectively, to promote a spirit of congeniality among them, and to provide friendly contact with the engineering profession.
SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held during the month of December.
SECTION 2. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held at least once a month on Wednesday nights throughout the academic year.
SECTION 1. The annual dues of the Chapter shall be $15.00 per year, $6.00 per quarter and are due and payable at the beginning of the academic year (or calendar year).
SECTION 1. The following shall be standing committees of the Chapters:
A. Program Committee
B. Membership Committee
C. Annual Report Committee
D. Hospitality Committee
E. Student Conference Committee
F. Publicity Committee
Active members of this Chapter shall be undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the university who are interested in civil engineering and who are in good standing as evidenced by the payment of Chapter dues. Meetings are open to all students of the university and to alumni or others who me care to attend.
SECTION 1. The officers of this Chapter shall be a President, Vice‑President, Secretaries, and Treasurer.
SECTION 2. The President and Vice‑President shall be members of the Senior and Junior Class.
SECTION 3. The officers shall be elected from the nominees chosen by a nominating committee, composed of three active members who shall be appointed by the President. Nominations may also be made by an active member during the meeting at which the elections are held. Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot ‑ the ballots to be distributed to and collected from the Active Members. For each office and candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Elections shall take place at the Chapter's Annual Meeting.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. The proposed Bylaw Amendment shall be voted on by not less than a majority of the chapter active Members and shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Active Members voting to be adopted.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as are incumbent on such an office. The President shall appoint the Chairperson and members of all Chapter committees.
SECTION 2. The Vice‑President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the latter is in any way unable to discharge the duties of his office. He or she shall be ex‑officio member of all Chapter Committees.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Chapter and shall, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, attend to all notifications of meetings. He/She shall also keep a roll of all the members of the Chapter. He/She, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual (calendar year) report of the Chapter to the ASCE.
SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds belonging to the Chapter, shall be responsible for their proper disbursement, and shall render an accurate account at each meeting. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall end on June 30.
An amendment to this constitution may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of the thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. A three‑fourths favorable vote of the active membership of the Chapter shall be required for adoption.
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The name of this Chapter shall be the McNeese State University Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The objectives of this Chapter shall be to encourage the development of a professional consciousness, to afford an opportunity for civil engineering students to become acquainted and to practice working together effectively, to promote a spirit of congeniality among them, and to provide friendly contact with the engineering profession.
Active members of this Chapter shall be undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the university who are interested in civil engineering and who are in good standing as evidenced by the payment of Chapter dues. Meetings are open to all students of the university and to alumni or others who may care to attend.
Section 1. The Officers of this Chapter shall be a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. The President and Vice-President shall be members of the Senior or Junior Class. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be of the Junior or Sophomore Class.
Section 3. The officers shall be elected from the nominees chosen by a nominating committee, composed of three active members who shall be appointed by the President. Nominations may also be made by an active member during the meeting at which the elections are held. Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Officers shall be elected by secret written ballot - the ballots to be distributed to and collected from the Active Members. For each office the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Elections shall take place at the Chapter's Annual Meeting.
SECTION 1. The annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held during the month of December.
SECTION 2. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held on the McNeese Campus on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the academic year.
SECTION 1. The annual dues of the Chapter shall be $10.00 and are due and payable at the beginning of the academic year (or calendar year).
SECTION 1. The following shall be standing committees of the Chapters:
A. Program Committee
B. Membership Committee
C. Annual Report Committee
D. Hospitality Committee
E. Student Conference Committee
F. Publicity Committee
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. The proposed Bylaw Amendment shall be voted on by not less than a majority of the Chapter active members and shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the active members voting to be adopted.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as are incumbent on such an office. The President shall appoint the Chairperson and members of all Chapter committees.
SECTION 2. The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the latter is in any way unable to discharge the duties of his/her office. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all Chapter Committees.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Chapter and shall, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, attend to all notifications of meetings. He/she shall also keep a roll of all the members of the Chapter. He/she, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual (calendar year) report of the Chapter to the ASCE.
SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds belonging to the Chapter, shall be responsible for their proper disbursement, and shall render an accurate account at each meeting. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall end on June 30.
An Amendment to this constitution may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the active members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. A three-fourths favorable vote of the active membership of the Chapter shall be required for adoption.
Date of Ratification: October 6, 1982.
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The name of this Chapter shall be the SU Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The objectives of this Chapter shall be to encourage the development of a professional consciousness, to afford an opportunity for civil engineering students to become acquainted and to practice working together effectively, to promote a spirit of congeniality among them, and to provide friendly contact with the engineering profession.
Active members of this Chapter shall be undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the university who are interested in civil engineering and who are in good standing as evidenced by the payment of Chapter dues. Meetings are open to all students of the university and to alumni or others who may care to attend.
Section 1. The Officers of this Chapter shall be a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. The President and Vice-President shall be members of the Senior or Junior Class.
Section 3. The officers shall be elected from the nominees chosen by a nominating committee, composed of three active members who shall be appointed by the President. Nominations may also be made by an active member during the meeting at which the elections are held. Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Officers shall be elected by secret written ballot - the ballots to be distributed to and collected from the Active Members. For each office the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Elections shall take place at the Chapter's Annual Meeting.
SECTION 1. The annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held during the month of December.
SECTION 2. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held at Moore Hall at the specified time and place throughout the academic year.
SECTION 1. The annual dues of the Chapter shall be $5.00 and are due and payable at the beginning of the academic year (or calendar year).
SECTION 1. The following shall be standing committees of the Chapters:
A. Program Committee
B. Membership Committee
C. Annual Report Committee
D. Hospitality Committee
E. Student Conference Committee
F. Publicity Committee
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. The proposed Bylaw Amendment shall be voted on by not less than a majority of the Chapter active members and shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the active members voting to be adopted.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as are incumbent on such an office. The President shall appoint the Chairperson and members of all Chapter committees.
SECTION 2. The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the latter is in any way unable to discharge the duties of his/her office. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all Chapter Committees.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Chapter and shall, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, attend to all notifications of meetings. He/she shall also keep a roll of all the members of the Chapter. He/she, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual (calendar year) report of the Chapter to the ASCE.
SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds belonging to the Chapter, shall be responsible for their proper disbursement, and shall render an accurate account at each meeting. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall end on June 30.
An Amendment to this constitution may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the active members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. A three-fourths favorable vote of the active membership of the Chapter shall be required for adoption.
Date of Ratification: August 31, 1987.
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SECTION 1. This organization shall be known as the University of New Orleans A.S.C.E. ‑ Student Chapter. On the immediate campus of the University of New Orleans, this organization will simply be known as the U.N.O. ‑ A.S.C.E.
SECTION 2. The purpose shall be the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of civil engineering, as well as the furtherance of the professional and social development of the membership.
SECTION 1. Regular membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students of U.N.O. participating in regular course of study in engineering. Membership shall be open to full‑time, part‑time, and co‑op students.
SECTION 2. At least ten members shall be full‑time students with an overall grade point average of "2.00" or better, and enrolled in the School of Engineering. Members fulfilling these requirements will simply be known as regular members.
SECTION 3. Honorary membership shall be limited to faculty members, previous club members, and all members of the A.S.C.E. (no matter what grade membership the A.S.C.E. member holds).
SECTION 4. Honorary members and privileges that shall be extended to them shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the members taken at an official meeting.
SECTION 1. The officers of the Club shall be a President, a Vice‑President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
SECTION 2. To be eligible to run for or to hold an office, a candidate must be enrolled, regular member of the Club, must be a civil engineering student, must maintain a "2.00" average or better while running for office.
SECTION 3. A candidate should be capable of serving a full term of office. Only co‑op students shall be exempted from SECTION 2 of ARTICLE 3. This section allows co‑op students to be eligible to hold an office in the Club.
SECTION 4. The term of office shall be one year.
SECTION 5. The President shall not serve two consecutive terms.
SECTION 6. At least one officer should be a member who is capable of serving two terms as an officer.
SECTION 7. Election of Officers shall be determined by a simple majority vote taken at the last official meeting of the Spring Semester.
SECTION 8. If an officer vacates his office or is removed from office the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible member to the vacated office. The appointee shall retain this office until the next general election.
SECTION 1. The President is responsible for the organization and successful operation of the Club. He should consult regularly with the Faculty Advisor.
SECTION 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and appoint all Committee Heads, and shall assume all other executive duties not otherwise delegated.
SECTION 3. The Vice‑President shall perform all functions of the President in the latter's absence or at his request.
SECTION 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all activities and other communications, he shall also keep a record of the names of members in attendance at the meetings.
SECTION 5. A record of the Secretary's notes of all official meetings of the Clubs shall be kept neatly in a file, filed in order of meeting dates.
SECTION 6. The Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all debts of the Club authorized by the Executive Committee and shall keep an exact account of all receipts, accounts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall also notify the Secretary of all updates in Membership.
SECTION 7. A complete annual report shall be submitted by the President, Secretary, and Treasurer at the last official meeting of the year in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the A.S.C.E. Student Chapter regulations.
SECTION 1. Each year a member of the faculty, who is a member of A.S.C.E., shall be elected by a simple majority vote taken at the last official meeting of the Spring Semester.
SECTION 2. The Dean of Engineering or the Head of the Civil Engineering Program should be consulted by the President to determine which faculty members are available to serve as Faculty Advisor.
SECTION 3. The Faculty Advisor may not serve for more than three years in succession unless he is the only A.S.C.E. member on the faculty.
SECTION 1. As a member of A.S.C.E., the Faculty Advisor has a three fold responsibility. First, he should encourage all engineering students to become Club members. Second, he should make certain that the activities and programs of the Club stimulate interest in the profession. Third, he should create a professional awareness in each member and offer assistance to each member as he enters industry.
SECTION 1. The four Standing Committees shall be the Membership Committee, Public Relations Committee, Meetings Committee, and the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. The Heads of the four Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President.
SECTION 3. The Heads of the four Standing Committees shall be either former officers or members who are experienced in U.N.O. ‑ A.S.C.E. affairs.
SECTION 4. The Standing Committee Heads are subject to the conditions of ARTICLE 4, SECTION 7.
SECTION 5. It is the duty of the President to organize Ad Hoc committees where needed to carry out the programs and interest of the Club.
SECTION 6. See ARTICLE 9 for Executive Committee Descriptions and Data.
SECTION 1. A complete annual committee report shall be submitted by each Standing Committee Head at the last official meeting of the year. All committee projects, expenditures, accomplishments and other committee activities shall be covered by said report.
SECTION 2. All Standing and Ad Hoc Committee annual reports shall be either written or an oral report. The President shall notify the committee heads whether their committee report shall be written or oral.
SECTION 3. It is the duty of the membership committee to solicit students to become members of the Club. The committee shall also keep the Club membership forms up to date and verify the eligibility of prospective members.
SECTION 4. It is the duty of the Public Relations Committee to work hand in hand with the Membership Committee to solicit membership for the Club. It is also their duty to adequately publicize all Club activities, projects, meetings, tours and events such that each member of the Club has been informed of all the above mentioned club programs.
SECTION 5. It is the duty of the Meetings Committee to organize all Club meetings. It is the Committee's duty to inform the Public Relations Committee of the date and time of meetings for proper publication, and to invite or notify any non‑members or special lecturers who are scheduled or needed at official club meetings.
SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice‑President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Heads of the Standing Committees.
SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs and be the governing body of the Club. The Executive Committee shall transact all business it deems advisable including authorization of expenditures.
SECTION 3. It is the duty of the Executive Committee to call meetings. The Committee shall notify the Head of the Meetings Committee so the details and organization of meetings can be worked out. The Committee shall notify the Head of the Public Relations Committee so the proper meeting information can be adequately publicized.
SECTION 1. The fall and spring semester dues will be eight dollars ($8.00) per semester. Dues will not be collected for the summer session.
SECTION 2. The dues per semester for members are payable at the beginning of the semester or whenever a student joins.
SECTION 3. Each continuing member shall have his dues paid one month from the beginning of the semester.
SECTION 4. Nonpayment of dues automatically results in suspension of membership in the club.
SECTION 5. The Executive Committee of the club shall have the power to levy special assessments upon endorsement by a two‑thirds vote of the members of an official meeting.
SECTION 6. In order to change the amount of dues paid per semester by club members, a two‑thirds vote of members of an official meeting is required.
SECTION 1. The Club shall hold regular and special meetings at such places and times as designated by the Executive and Meetings Committee.
SECTION 2. All meetings must be properly publicized by the Meetings and Public Relations Committees at least two days prior to the meeting.
SECTION 3. An official meeting shall be a meeting which consists of at least 10 members and at least one of the Club's elected officers.
SECTION 4. If it is impossible for the President to chair a Club meeting, the following order of succession for presiding officer will be followed: Vice‑President, Treasurer, Secretary.
SECTION 5. If the Secretary is the presiding officer at a meeting or is absent from a meeting the presiding officer of the meeting will appoint a temporary secretary to record the minutes of said meeting.
SECTION 1. The Constitution may be amended by a two‑thirds vote of the members taken at an official meeting; provided the amendment shall have been proposed at least one duly publicized meeting previous to the time of voting.
SECTION 1. The Club shall respect all duly recognized laws, rules, and regulations of U.N.O., the State of Louisiana, and any local municipal authorities in all activities sponsored by the Club.
SECTION 1. Within the last three weeks of school before the final examination period in the spring semester, an election will be held for the purpose of honoring the outstanding student of the U.N.O. ‑ A.S.C.E. and the outstanding faculty member in Civil Engineering for that school year.
SECTION 2. Nominations for outstanding student and outstanding faculty member will be made in the two‑week period prior to the election.
SECTION 3. The awards for outstanding student in the U.N.O. ‑ A.S.C.E. and for the outstanding faculty member in Civil Engineering will be distributed at the Club's annual end‑of‑the‑year banquet.
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The name of this chapter shall be the ULL Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The objectives of this Chapter shall be to encourage the development of a professional consciousness, to afford an opportunity for civil engineering students to become acquainted and to practice working together effectively, to promote a spirit of congeniality among them, and to provide friendly contact with the engineering profession.
Active members of this Chapter shall be undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the university who are interested in civil engineering and who are in good standing as evidenced by the payment of Chapter dues. Meetings are open to all students of the university and to alumni or others who may care to attend.
SECTION 1. The Officers of this Chapter shall be the President, Vice‑President, Secretaries, and Treasurer.
SECTION 2. The President and Vice‑President shall be members of the Senior or Junior Class.
SECTION 3. The officers shall be elected from the nominees chosen by a nominating committee, composed of three active members who shall be appointed by the President. Nominations may also be made by an active member during the meeting at which the elections are held. Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Officers shall be elected by secret written ballot ‑ the ballots to be distributed to and collected from the Active Members. For each office the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Elections shall take place at the Chapter's Annual Meeting.
SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held during the month of December.
SECTION 2. The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held at Madison Hall on the specified time and place throughout the academic year.
SECTION 1. The annual dues of the Chapter shall be $5.00 and are due and payable at the beginning of the academic year (or calendar year).
SECTION 1. The following shall be the standing committees of the Chapter:
A. Program Committee;
B. Membership Committee;
C. Annual Report Committee;
D. Hospitality Committee;
E. Student Conference Committee;
F. Publicity Committee
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. The proposed Bylaw Amendment shall be voted on by not less than a majority of the chapter Active Members and shall receive an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Active Members voting to be adopted.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as are incumbent on such an office. The President shall appoint the Chairperson and members of all Chapter committees.
SECTION 2. The Vice‑President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the latter is in any way unable to discharge the duties of his office. He or she shall be an ex‑officio member of all Chapter Committees.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Chapter and shall, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, attend to all notifications of meetings. He/she shall also keep a roll of all members of the Chapter. He/she, with the assistance of a committee appointed for the purpose, shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual (calendar year) report of the Chapter to the ASCE. SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds belonging to the Chapter, shall be responsible for their proper disbursement, and shall render an accurate account at each meeting. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall end on June 30.
An Amendment to this Constitution may be proposed by presenting to the Chapter Secretary a petition stating the desired amendment and containing the signature of thirty percent (30%) of the Active Members of the Chapter. This petition shall be read at the next regular meeting. A three‑fourths favorable vote of the active membership of the Chapter shall be required for adoption.
Date of Ratification: August 31, 1987
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